SMITH, Michael L.
Rural Development in the Crossfire. The Role of Grassroots Support Organizations in Situations of Political Violence in Peru
GSOs, grassroots support organizations, violence, english, ingles, terrorism, peruvian army, shining path, ingles, english
This paper proposes to address this vacuum contributing to an evaluation of GSOs, local partners, funding agencies and other interested parties and how they can fulfill their roles. Because Peru is under extreme social, political and economic duress, it offers an opportunity to examine their practices in conceiving, planning and putting into action programs for rural development. This situation requires a reassessment of many assumptions which staff members and experts take for granted. It is also our opinion that much of this questioning may be applicable to development programs in general. This report does not aim to examine specific rural development programs or practices. This task lies beyond the author's capacity. It aims to survey GSOs within the context of political violence. However, we may comment on some aspects which have a direct bearing on the report.
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